Carbon High School Band Travels Around the Globe *Photo Gallery*


The Carbon High School Bands gathered for a trip around the world on Tuesday night. Highlighting music from several countries around the globe, the bands started in Africa, then moved to Russia and Ireland. Afterward, they favored listeners with selections specific to Greece and then played a toe-tapping piece from Latin America before coming full circle with the Caribbean and ending with a jazz piece reminiscent of the U.S.A.

The symphonic band, wind ensemble, advanced percussion and jazz band classes all performed Tuesday night after having about a month to practice their music. “Overall, I think it went well,” expressed CHS band instructorr Tana Jenson. “We decided to do just a few different songs and tried to perfect those.”

Jenson also expressed how it was fun for the students to learn styles of music new to them such as Greek and African. Chad Laursen, a trumpet player for the symphonic band, says that the piece highlighting Russia was a favorite for him. “It was just a very nice, pleasant melody,” Laursen explained.

The CHS bands will next favor the community with their Christmas concert, which will be held on December 16.

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