CARE Youth Mental Health Conference


Press Release

The CARE Youth Coalition is excited to host their 2nd annual Youth Mental Health Conference on May 2nd at the USUE Jennifer Leaviett Student Center. The conference theme this year is “Healthy Brain Vibes Only”. The event will feature two highly sought after Keynote Speakers as well as three breakout sessions. All focusing on youth mental health as a whole. Lunch is included at this free event for students in 8-12th grades. Parents must register their students to attend. Carbon School District has approved excusing students that are registered. Helper and Mont Harmon Middle Schools will be busing their 8th grade students that are signed up. Carbon High will excuse students that are registered to walk. Pinnacle Middle/High school students will be signed up by the school counselor and escorted over to the event. Special thank you to all event sponsors and the conference founder Carbon High Senior Ella Anderson.

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