Castle Country Fuller Center for Humanity Earns Community Spotlight Award


During the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce (CCCC) June Luncheon, The Castle Country Fuller Center for Humanity was honored with this month’s Community Spotlight award.

Terri Tubbs, Executive Director of The Fuller Center, accepted the Community Spotlight award. Tubbs expressed that their goal each and every day is to serve this community.

“We work on repairing homes so that our senior citizens, our low income, our handicap people can have a better, more stable life in their homes and more safety features,” Tubbs said.

The Fuller Center recently completed a variety of projects around Carbon County, with their last project bringing in over 35 bicyclists to aid in those projects. Volunteers were able to provide a new carport, new paint, yard work and various other projects.

Tubbs then asked each board member to introduce themselves and explain their reasoning behind being a part of the Fuller Center. Each member had their own reasons, but ultimately every member chose to be a part of the board as a way to give back to their community.

Tubbs went on to explain that they believe in a “hand up, not a hand out.” Tubbs recalled during one of their recent projects and it being extremely hot outside that day. The homeowner wasn’t able to help in a physical way, so instead she brought all of the volunteers water as a way to provide a bit of “sweat equity”, into the project.

“Anytime that you can get the homeowner involved at whatever level, then they feel that reward also,” expressed Tubbs.

To learn more about the Castle Country Fuller Center for Habitat visit:

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