Castle Dale City Hires New Code Enforcement Officer


By Julie Johansen

Mayor Danny Van Wagoner announced at a recent Castle Dale City Council meeting that Jared Lofthouse had been hired as the new code enforcement officer for the city.

Lofthouse is a native of Castle Dale and he and his wife Cindy have been residents of Castle Dale for several years. He will be keeping a close watch on the city and helping to enforce beautification, noise and other ordinances.

Castle Dale Maintenance Foreman Ignacio Arien reported that 360 feet of sidewalks have been improved, 635 are being worked on and there is still 985 feet left on which to work. Once these improvements are completed, maintenance will then begin to grind the uneven spots on city sidewalks, which will be at least a $4,000 savings to the city. Arien also reported that he has been looking for a dump truck to purchase for the city. Arien is also the city’s fire chief and reported to the council that many of the force will be attending training in Ferron.

Mayor Van Wagoner reported that the visitor’s center building is nearing completion and will be open soon. It will have information not only on Castle Dale but also other places of interest in the county. He also reported that the Castle Dale building is approximately 16% completed, running a little behind schedule, but contractors expect to make up that difference immediately and still expect completion in early 2017.

The Castle Dale City clerk reported that 77% of business licenses have been renewed and she will soon contact those that are outstanding. Dog problems continue to plague the city and closer patrolling will begin immediately.

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