Following the swearing in ceremony that took place at last week’s Price City Council meeting, the Price City Fire Department’s newest addition recently joined Chief Fitzgerald Petersen for a special visit.
The duo of Petersen and the department’s brand new K9, Pilot, joined Price City Councilman Layne Miller at the Castle Valley Center on Wednesday to greet the many students that attend. In each classroom, Miller and Petersen explained that Pilot also has unique aspects of himself.
Pilot, who used to assist in rescues, retired some time ago when it was discovered that he has back issues. He also had to have one of his ears removed due to cancer.
Though the pup has had hardships, he has never let it slow him down. He took his first assignment seriously, bounding into each room eagerly, greeting the students warmly and brightening up their days. Chief Fitzgerald assured that they would be delighted to visit the school once again at a later date.