As required by the guidelines for the preparation of environmental impact statements (EIS), a preliminary evaluation has been performed on the proposed State of Utah, Drinking Water Board project identified below to determine if an environmental review or EIS is warranted. The State of Utah has elected to “Categorically Exclude from further environmental review” the proposed drinking water project.

Project: Green River WTP Upgrades
Water System: Green River City
Office Location: 460 East Main St. Green River, Utah 84525
Project Number: 3F1925E
Total Estimated Cost: $5,575,000
Funding: Federal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
DWSRF Loan (3.16%, 30 years) $2,045,000
DWSRF Principal Forgiveness (grant) $3,530,000

This project consists of the addition of a polishing treatment facility to the existing WTP site to further remove total organic carbon (TOC) constituents in the treatment water using granular activated carbon (GAC) filters. The project does not cross any wetlands, does not affect any endangered or threatened species, or affect any cultural or historical properties, and will be constructed within the existing, previously disturbed, right-of-way for the existing water treatment plant. The project is needed in order for Green River City to meet current and future demand for drinking water.

The review process indicated that the proposed project will not adversely impact the environment. Consequently, a decision has been made to not prepare an EIS. The State of Utah has elected to “Categorically Exclude from further environmental review” the proposed drinking water project, based upon the careful review of the following report.

Green River WTP-SHPO Letter of Findings, and supporting documentation, prepared by Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services Any and all contractors will be required to comply with all relative federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and executive orders, such as Utah State air quality regulations R307-309. If anything is uncovered or otherwise discovered during construction of the water system improvements that may have cultural or historic significance Green River City will be required to stop construction and notify both the Division of Drinking Water (the Division) and the State Historic Preservation Officer. These two agencies will investigate any such discoveries. If it appears that construction work may be causing an adverse environmental impact, Green River City will be required to stop construction and notify the Division. The Division will investigate any such discoveries.

A Categorical Exclusion (Cat Ex) from environmental review does not require a formal public hearing or a formal public comment period prior to the Cat Ex becoming effective. Therefore, this Cat Ex will become effective on the day it is published in a local newspaper, which is expected to occur on or about July 29, 2024. Questions or comments may be directed to Michael Grange at (801)674-2563 or

Published in the ETV Newspaper October 9, October 16 and October 23, 2024.

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