Child Struck by Vehicle in Price


On Saturday afternoon, a local father and son duo were trekking home from the Kiwanis Kid’s Day event in Price when a slight tragedy struck.

The six-year-old male was proudly riding his newly won bike home when he passed in front of the complex that includes Smith’s Food and Drug, Little Caesars Pizza and the like. As he was passing, a woman in an SUV did not notice the young man and struck him.

As a result, the child was pulled under the vehicle, where he was pinned. Due to many community members driving by at the time and stopping to assist, the vehicle was lifted and the child was freed.

The six-year-old was then transported to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City where he is currently being treated for a broken leg.

According to local authorities, the child had a bike helmet on while riding and it is believed that this fact is a large reason as to why the injuries sustained were not greater.


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