Clawson City Council Updates


The Clawson City Council discussed various city matters last week.

Clawson City is still looking for local kids ages 12-18 to be part of Clawson’s Youth City Council. Any child is eligible as long as they make the certain age requirement mark and are from Clawson. Contact Clawson City if interested.

The Clawson Harvest Day Celebration has been moved to September 19, at 6 p.m. There will be games, a chili and dessert cook-off and more. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come to this event.

Clawson City is looking into a CDBGD Grant, specializing in buildings, water and streets. It’s a very tedious government process and takes a year to apply. To apply, mandatory meetings need to be attended and an administration fee is also required. The council has decided to go ahead and apply for the grant. Upon receiving the grant the city would move the main waterline across the cemetery. If the waterline is moved the city can sell the lots next to it. Also, they will pave the road from the city office building to the highway and parking lot.

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