Click Here for the Price City 2022 Wellbeing Survey


USU’s Utah Wellbeing Project has partnered with a plethora of towns and cities located throughout the Beehive State to conduct wellbeing surveys that will assess the needs and desires of various communities.

Price City has encouraged residents to partake in this survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Those that wish to participate must be 18 years of age or older. The city also requests that this survey be shared with households and other members of the Price City community.

Participation in this survey will inform the city’s planning processes and give a better understanding of wellbeing not only in Price, but the rest of Utah. This survey features questions such as how long an individual has resided in the area, how they would rate their overall wellbeing, how connected they feel as a community and more.

The online version of this survey can be found here. A hard copy can also be completed and returned physically to Price City by mail or email. Submissions should be made to Nick Tatton at P.O. Box 893, Price UT, 84501 or

For more information on the survey, Dr. Courtney Flint may be contacted at

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