Press Release
Carbon County Chamber of Commerce Coordinator Ann Evans has recently been informed that Carbon High music teacher Matthew Krause has worked with the company called All School Fundraising in the past but had no idea that they were doing that calendar again. He did not receive a portion of the proceeds but some “free products” that he gave to his music students. Other faculty know nothing about this calendar or this company.
It appears that this company has worked “for” the music department in the past and it is assumed that they will get their “free products” again this year. It is strictly up to each individual business to decide if they want to purchase an ad with this company for the calendar.
Those with questions can call Mr. Krause at the high school or contact the chamber office.
There is a company called All School Fundraising that has been calling local businesses saying they are doing an annual school calendar “for” Carbon High School and asking businesses if they want to place an ad in their calendar. Carbon County Chamber of Commerce Coordinator Ann Evans stated that she has contacted both Carbon High and spoke with Principal Bean as well as Carbon School District. Neither one have sanctioned or are working with this company. This means that any money given to them for an ad is most likely NOT coming back to the local community. Evans cannot say if this company is legitimate or not or if a calendar will even be published/distributed.
Be diligent by asking pertinent questions of anyone calling claiming to be working with local schools, agencies and even the chamber. Don’t be afraid to call the schools/agencies/chamber that the caller is claiming to be working “for” or “with”. Companies that do this kind of business are taking local money from the area. Then, when the schools/agencies/chamber try to help with fundraising, businesses have spent their limited funds on things that do not benefit the local area area.