Consideration of Economic, Recreational Development Fills Ferron City Work Meeting


Photo courtesy of Ferron City

By Julie Johansen

The Ferron City Council spent Wednesday evening at a special work session discussing economic and recreational developments for the city’s Community Impact Board (CIB) list.

New Ferron Councilman Troy Winters spoke of the need for grandstand repair for viewing by spectators as well as the announcer’s stand at the city’s arena. Moving the playground and the complications regarding keeping the wood chips collected under the play equipment were also considered by the council. Liability questions about the arena and surrounding areas were also discussed. The decision made that was the changes cannot all happen in one year; rather, it will be work in progress. Favorable feelings were voiced toward a natural playground and seeking grants will take top priority among the council.

Relocating the dumpsters at the fairgrounds was also discussed. A possible solution seemed to be placing them by the city shop and fire station. Ingress and egress seemed to be favorable but restriction of the fire department vehicles may dampen this choice. The RV sewer dump situation at the fairgrounds was another item for consideration. It was stated that the access for some trailers appears to be too tight so a few modifications would help this situation. It was noted that it must be on a sewer line.

Next on the list was the cemetery. Some of the plots in the older portion of the cemetery are too close for a full vault burial and the growth of pine trees has restricted some areas. The grids of the plots in the new section seem to be well laid out and identifiable but the old portion has some discrepancies. The consideration of selling some plots that have been purchased years ago and not used was discussed. Cremation plot space compared to vault burials were also given consideration in the planning as well as the fact that there is no longer a local vault company in the area.

Walking trails were the next item up for discussion. Mayor Adele Justice said she had been contacted by Jones and DeMille Engineering regarding a previous conversation about creating a walking trail for Ferron City.

Two trail prospects were discussed, including a route from Ferron to Clawson along the highway and from Ferron to Millsite State Park. Sidewalks were also on the list, especially from Canyon Road to San Rafael Middle School. This needs to be top priority for sidewalks, it was stated. Comments were made that some people prefer not to have sidewalks along with curb and gutter, and that everyone is different.

It was stated that the Mayor’s Park needs a few maintenance repairs. Electrical and a few topography fixes will be necessary but can be done by city maintenance workers. On the wish list is a small amphitheater with a couple of terraces.

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