Could Sheriff’s Hill Turn Into Motel Hill?


The Emery County Community Foundation attended the Castle Dale City Council meeting for a public hearing on Feb. 13 regarding the Sheriff’s Hill property located in Castle Dale. The foundation has leased the 4.2 acre property for $1 per year for 5 years. Currently, they are in the research and development phase for the property with a long-term goal to develop the property and have it functioning well enough to sell to a private entity. The foundation would like to see a motel built on the property, as it would encourage development in the city.

Concerned Castle Dale resident Daniel Fancy voiced his concerns for his personal property, which sits below Sheriff’s Hill, and the drainage issues which they have experienced throughout the years. The council responded that if the property was purchased and developed, it would likely help resolve the drainage problems.

Another resident, Clay Oliverson, also voiced his concerns for having a motel above his home and suggested the possibility of subdividing the property into 4-8 parcels and building homes. The council commented that no one has approached them with an interest in purchasing the property and that their decision stands on leasing the property to the foundation.

The Emery County Community Foundation started seven years ago and is a non-profit organization. Their goal is to make Emery County a better place to live, work and play. The foundation strives to make the county more of a destination rather than a “pass through place” and hopefully draw more people to help the community economically. They appreciate any volunteers and donations that would assist with their goals.

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