Daylight Saving Time: What Should You Know?


Although Sunday was the beginning of Daylight Saving Time, many Carbon and Emery county residents did not feel the full affect until this morning. While we complain about our one-hour lack of sleep here are a few facts everyone should know about the “Spring Forward” time change:


-First many pronounce the event as Daylight Saving(s) time when in fact it is Daylight Saving time. Let’s make our English teachers proud.

-President George W. Bush signed the Energy Policy act in 2005 extending Daylight Saving Time by four weeks. It now begins at 2a.m. on the second Sunday in March and ends the first Sunday in November.

-The lack of sleep may have adverse health affects. According to a 2008 study there was spike in heart attacks across the nation during the first week of DST, linking adverse heart health to sleep deprivation, В among other things.

-Finally, many Fire Departments across the Nation encourage the public to change the batteries in their smoke detectors when they are changing their clocks.


Whether you love “Spring Forward” or not, you can credit Founding Father Benjamin Franklin with Daylight Saving Time. Benjamin published the first Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light in 1784, after he found that people burned candles at night and would sleep past dawn, wasting time and money. However, even with Franklin’s first energy conservation attempt made in the 1700’s, it was not implemented until during World War I as a way to conserve fuel.


To view more fun facts about DST visit


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