Decision Made Regarding Changes for the East Carbon Senior Citizen Center


Carbon CountyCommissioner Casey Hopes spoke at the commission meeting on Wednesday evening about some possible changes for the East Carbon senior citizen center.

As previously reported, due to the budget for the year being tight, the commissioners were looking into possibly changing the schedule of the senior citizen center, leaving it open with warm meals three days a week and on Thursday having a bus go from East Carbon to the senior citizen center in Price.

There were several reasons why the citizens of East Carbon were in objection to this, and commissioner Hopes stated that it was rightly objected for the reasons that were previously presented. Hopes wanted to shed light on the fact that the senior center does not only provide meals to the members of the community that are able to make it to the center. If a meal is requested to come to a senior citizen’s home, the meal will be delivered to them as many days of the week as they have asked. That aspect went unchanged.

The decision was then made that the senior citizen center is going to be kept open for five days a week so that the seniors of the area will still have somewhere to go for activities and socialization. However, hot meals will not be served all five days a week. Hopes proposed that the citizens could possibly participate in a potluck on those days when hot meals are not served.

The town of East Carbon proposed that they will pay for the fifth day that the senior citizen center will be open. The town will contribute $51,000 to the center. The employees of the senior center will still be employed by the county even though the town is making the contributions.


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