Drought Emergency Declared in Carbon County


The Castle Country area did not see the average snowfall during the previous winter season. As such, the water accumulation is not as it usually is, but below. A drought emergency has been declared in the past for Carbon County and is being declared once again.

During the recent Carbon County Commission meeting, the commissioners discussed this issue. Commission Chair Casey Hopes stated that last year, this was not needed as the area had ample water. However, with the low moisture this year, the declaration was requested.

Commissioner Hopes said that several counties are passing similar resolutions as well. Carbon County Emergency Operations Director Justin Needles also spoke on this, stating that the reason for signing the declaration is to give farmers an opportunity, if they have a loss of crops, to go to the Department of Agriculture and take out low-interest loans to replace lost crops.

Needles continued by explaining that the declaration does not particularly have anything to do for the county itself and is mostly for those in agriculture. The drought declaration was approved by the commissioners.

Also discussed during the meeting was the annual donation by the commissioners to Carbon High’s Graduation Spectacular. Attorney Christian Bryner stated that the commissioners have the authority to provide consideration to a non-profit entity if they find it contributes to the health and welfare of the citizens. Commissioner Jake Mellor stated that they made that finding in this event many years before.

Anticipating the annual donation, the expense was budgeted. A donation amount of $500 was approved by commissioners.

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