Eagles Thrill Crowd in Dominating Victory Against Snow College


Photo by Jeff Barrett

By Logan Corta

It was a historic night on Thursday when USU Eastern bested Snow College 76-55. In his three-year tenure at USU Eastern, Coach Bill Evans had yet to beat to Badgers until the dominating performance Thursday night.

Gbenga Olubi had an impressive performance, finishing with 18 points, four rebounds and three assists. Jack Jamele led all scorers with 20 points while Kevin Bethel once again broke into double digit assists, finishing with 12 assists, six points and five steals.

Eagles center Dyson Lighthall owned the paint throughout the game, finishing with 14 points and seven rebounds. Noah McCord held himself to his typical standard and finished with eight rebounds, three assists and three steals.

The Eagles will face Snow College one more time in regular season play.

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