Eastern Utah Women’s Conference Returns to Price


Press Release

The longest running women’s conference in Utah will return to the USU Eastern campus next month.The 2023 Eastern Utah Women’s Conference will be held March 22, 2023 beginning at 1 p.m. inside the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center.

This will be an “opportunity to participate in inspiring and strengthening conversations while taking the opportunity to gain new friendships and connections,” said Amy Peters, Executive Director of Operations at USU Eastern.

The conference costs $45, including dinner, workshops and activities. Darlene Dilley, Provost for Enrollment Management at Utah Tech University, will be one of the keynote speakers this year and will discuss Imposter Syndrome. The workshops will include topics of similar nature to help women create, grow and learn.

“This conference will allow you to focus on yourself for the late afternoon, have some fun, and bring opportunities to connect,” said Peters. “All women have fascinating lives, and we hope participants find inspiration in the sessions offered at this conference to continue that journey.”

For more information about the conference and to register your spot, visit aggie.link/womensconference.

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