Elmo Concerns Considered by the Town Council


By Julie Johansen

The regularly scheduled June meeting for Elmo Town was held on Tuesday, June 11 at the Elmo Town Hall. All councilpersons, the mayor and town clerk were in attendance.

The first item on the agenda was an opportunity for citizens to voice their concerns.  An Elmo citizen then spoke to the council about a growing feral cat problem in his neighborhood. He wondered how to best control this, as it seems to be increasing and he wondered whose responsibility it is. He had contacted the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and Emery County Animal Shelter to no avail. He was told that he could trap them on his property. He was also wondering about driveway approaches. The answer was that when the sidewalk work is done by the Special Service District these will be taken care of.

Dustin Hansen then presented a copy of the deed to the property he deeded to the town so that a road could be built by the subdivision. This property will be exchanged for a water hookup. The 2025 budget was briefly discussed and tentatively approved.

There had been no applications for the advertised part-time maintenance worker for the town, but the ad will run for another week. The council suggested contracting with a landscape or lawn care company to spray the weeds and clean the gutters. There was also broken waterlines at the park that are being repaired and headstones at the cemetery that need to be fixed. Other concerns of the council included water puddling on the roads off of personal property, a city right away east of the cemetery and street signs that need to be installed.

The city clerk then reminded the council of the need to find insurance for the maintenance vehicles and fire truck, as the company previously used no longer insured commercial vehicles.

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