Emery Commissioners Tackle Busy Agenda


By Julie Johansen

The Emery County Commission meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 17, began with the Safety Minute Presentation given by Susan Hess, Castle Dale Branch Librarian. She spoke about Hazards of the Workplace. She gave three points to help reduce the dangers of those hazards, which were to be aware of the situation and surroundings, be aware of distractions and see something, say something.

The Safety Visa Gift Cards were drawn for Natalie Olsen, Samantha Johnson, Justin Truman, and Cory Worwood. These cards were drawn following 375 injury free days of the employees.

Nikki Allred and Kent Nelson then gave a presentation regarding the 1Direction Coalition and Green River Prevention Coalitions. Nelson began by describing the unique position Green River is in, which gives them challenges for drug trafficking. He stated that Green River has seven alcohol retailers, plus restaurants that sell liquor. He feels that this causes a complacency to drugs and alcohol to teenagers who work in those places.

The Commander of the Huntington American Legion Post requested a donation from the commissioners to be able to keep the local posts open and functioning in the county. Their fees are rising, making it difficult to keep the post active. Commissioner Lynn Sitterud spoke of the debt of gratitude and motioned to donate $500 to each post in the county. The commissioners voted unanimously in the affirmative.

The commission then approved a resolution to start the process for the Castle Valley Special Service District to annex portions of the cities and towns in Emery County into the Service District. Jacob Sharp announced that this action needed to be posted for 35 days and required a public hearing, which will be on Nov. 9.

Homeowners’ tax abatements and low income abatements were approved. The Board of Equalization (BOE) was closed for the previous year and changes for the 2024 year were approved.

An amendment to the contract between the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for enforcement services on BLM ground for the coming year was approved. This contract is for five years and average payment is $37,000 for 800 hours.

State statue requires each county to have a Privacy Compliance Plan and it will be listed in the approved contract between Emery County and Arrowhead Construction for renovation and remodel of restrooms in the Emery County Administration Building.

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