Emery County Commissioners Conduct County Business


By Julie Johansen

Active Re-Entry Program Director, Nancy Bentley explained the many faucets of Active Re-Entry to the Emery County Commissioners during a recent meeting. The main focus of the program is to help disabled people to live more independently in their own homes and communities.

Active Re-Entry offers 17 different programs. One program includes a loan bank for rehabilitation patients in need of scooters, walkers, shower benches or wheelchairs. They also have a veterans’ service and help for visually impaired.  Another of the 17 programs uses animal therapy as well as cognitive music for dementia patients. PERKIE Travels is a program ran through Active Re-Entry that has received much praise and appreciation in Carbon and Emery counties by providing transportation to those in need of cancer treatment.

Two public hearings to receive input from citizens brought no comments, leading the commission to authorize the Special Service District $900,000 in General Obligation Bonds. The next hearing approved abandonment of county road #201 and reclassification of county road #304.

Approval was given for grant agreement for the Invasive Species Mitigation Grant for eradication of Russian Olives along waterways. Another grant application for Utah Outdoor Recreation in the amount of $40,000 (half matching) for a clubhouse at the gun range was also approved.

A contract with Payne Relief, LLC was also approved to help with preservation and reclamation of the MK tunnels. This contract is for $15./ hour and not to exceed $3,000. The commission felt that this would benefit the area and many citizens.Two Emery County Fair contracts were also approved, including a magician and a deposit on inflatables.

The Huntington Airport will be allowed to use one of the 2018 county surplus vehicles for Courtesy Car Services. Allowance was given within a 40 mile radius and the vehicle must remain in the county.  Rental fees for the Aquatic Center will be waived for county EMTs and their family for one evening.

Keldan Guymon’s Eagle Project was approved. He will be replacing the roof on the small east pavilion at Little Bear Campground.

Mick Rogers was given permission to piggy back on the power pole at the Mosquito Building nea rhis new home as long as there is no harm or cost for Emery County.


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