Emery County Honors Employee of the Month


At a meeting on Tuesday, Emery County Commissioners honored Janalee Luke as the employee of the month for the county.

Luke was hired in 2003 as a part-time deputy clerk/auditor and then applied for the position as the corrections secretary and was awarded as a full-time position in 2007.

According to commissioners, for the past eight years as a correction secretary, Luke has been willing to take on whatever tasks and/or duties that has been assigned to her. She goes above and beyond in all requests that are given to her. In addition to her correction secretary duties, she maintains the sex offenders’ registry.

In the recent Seeley fire and subsequent funding, Luke assumed a big role as the assistant emergency director. During the Seeley fire, she assisted the type two management team for Emery County as a Public Information Officer. Commissioners explained that she excelled in this capacity and that her reports are always very thorough and accurate. They further explained that her grant writing skills are incredible and she has been able to secure hundreds of thousands of dollars for the county. Even those who are teaching the grant writing classes have commented on her effable ability.

Luke is a very good employee and can work with anyone and enjoys running and competing in half marathons in her spare time, if she has spare time, commissioners commented.

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