Emery County Plans Annual Wellness Clinic


By Julie Johansen

To kick off the Emery County Commission meeting on Tuesday afternoon, the consent agenda was approved and discussion began with the ratification of a block grant application for Justice Assistance. This would be used to purchase stronger radios for rescue teams.

Next, Ray Petersen was appointed as the county’s temporary public lands consultant. There were two applications for this position submitted to the commission but only one was qualified by meeting the RFP (request for proposal) qualifications. Two bids for the landfill scrap metal were also opened and the highest bid from Western Metals at $96/ton was awarded upon review approval.

Mobile home tax write offs were approved and delinquent mobile home taxes for six trailers at the Kim Earl Trailer Park were attached to the real property taxes. The accumulating interest on this court was removed. Also approved was the exemption of personal property tax for businesses.

A resolution appointing Mary Huntington as the representative to attend the annual membership meeting of the Utah Counties Indemnity Pool was approved. Emery County Attorney Mike Olsen will be the alternate.

Huntington then presented the county’s plan for the annual wellness clinic on Oct. 28 and 29 in Castle Dale and Oct. 30 in Green River. Because of COVID-19 regulations at the clinic, all employees will need to make an appointment as only two individuals are allowed at the clinic at one time. Each appointment will take about 10 minutes.

Everything except a comprehensive blood draw will be covered by PEHP insurance and the county will pick up the $200 charge for the blood draw for full-time employees only. Flu shots for part-time employees and EMTs will also be covered by the county. As an incentive, participants will receive four hours of vacation time if they participate.

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