Emery County Remembers Loved Ones at Relay for Life Event


Cancer survivors, caregivers, families and friends gathered together on Friday for Relay for Life events at the Emery High School football field. The event was to remember loved ones lost and to honor cancer survivors and those fighting against it.

The evening started off with the opening ceremony followed by survivors and caregivers each taking a lap around the field. The luminaria ceremony took place after dark to remember those who lost their battle to cancer and to honor those who continue to fight the disease. Candles were lit inside personalized bags and placed around the track as a glowing tribute to those who have been affected by cancer.

Relay for Life is an event for communities across the globe to come together to take action and make noise. The events offer an inspiring opportunity to honor cancer survivors, raise money and help end cancer and to promote how people can reduce their risk of cancer.

This year’s event was organized by Kori Oveson, Mandi Potter, Natille Sorensen, Raylene Schmidt, Chelsey Rhodes, Joyce Swaner, Alisa Tennant, Kasey Barker, Gerry Stotler, Lynsey Brinkerhoff, and Kent and Julie Wilson.

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