Emery County Sheriff’s Office Welcomes Deputy Jorgen Allred


The Emery County Sheriff’s Office (ECSO) was proud to announce the department recently gained a new certified law enforcement officer.

Deputy Jorgen Allred was successful in completing the Utah Peace Officer Standards and Training Academy on March 30. He was a member of POST Session 348. As all are practicing social distancing to combat the spread of COVID-19, there was no formal graduation hosted for Deputy Allred.

Allred was hired as a civilian dispatcher in June of 2018. From there, he completed the Corrections Academy in October that same year and has been assigned to the Emery County Jail from that time on.

“Deputy Allred is a great asset to ECSO and the citizens of Emery County. Congratulations Deputy Allred and a big thanks to your family for the many weeks of sacrifice as you completed your training,” the ECSO shared.

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