Emery County Youngsters Shop With a Cop


The Emery County Sheriff’s Office (ECSO) once again blessed children within the county through its annual Shop With a Cop program.

“We aren’t sure who had more fun, the cops or the kids,” the ECSO shared.

The annual event was hosted on Dec. 15 with special guests Santa and Mrs. Claus, who had an extra surprise for each of the children. The sheriff’s office expressed its appreciation of the personnel for supporting this event each year.

Many of the officers carried “No Shave November” into the month to help with fundraising and generous donations were also received from the Walmart Foundation, the Utah Police Civilian Association and Emery County citizens. This year, they were able to sponsor 24 children.

“Our program is funded 100% by donations and we appreciate all who supported the program this year,” said the ECSO. “Merry Christmas, everyone.”

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