Emery High’s Natalie Pace Elected Mayor of American Legion Auxiliary’s Bangerter City


Photo Courtesy of ALA Utah Girls State

American Legion Auxiliary Utah Girls State Press Release

The ALA Utah Girls State is excited to announce that Natalie Pace from Castle Dale City was elected by the Citizens in Bangerter City as the mayor. This prestigious role will allow Natalie to oversee their mock city council in creating an agenda and running a city council meeting. The mayor also works to support their fellow Citizens during the week-long session, assisting the counselors in disseminating information. The mayor also works with her city council to appoint the Citizens to duties pertaining to the ALA Utah Girls State city’s needs and interests.

“I’ve really enjoyed getting to know girls and seeing them shine,” says Natalie. She continued, “Watching them thrive despite their challenges is very rewarding. I was originally going to run for a higher position but decided that the girls in my group needed me more and it’s been amazing how I can connect with them. Encouraging them to know that whatever you put in is what you’re going to get out.”

About ALA Utah Girls State:

This is the 76th year that the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Utah has hosted a program that allows young women who are selected in their junior year of high school in Utah the opportunity to learn how to be involved in government, leadership, and Veteran appreciation. Citizens are organized into cities, named after former Utah Governors, counties, and political parties. This organization teaches the value of attending caucus meetings and serving as state and county Delegates. Citizens have the opportunity to write speeches and run for various mock offices at the city, county, and state levels. Citizens learn the value of their voice in politics, business, and their community.

Ultimately, Citizens elect a Governor, Attorney General, and two ALA Girls Nation Senators who will return the following year to serve as youth leaders. “ALA Utah Girls State changed my life,” said Michelle McCullough, 2023-24 ALA Utah Girls State Director. “I attended as a junior in high school and was elected Governor that year. The experiences I had those two years have shaped the person I have become. They have helped the way I run my businesses and the way I interact with my friends and family. They inspired me to be a better mother and more involved in my community in ways I never imagined possible. This program is a game-changer for all who participate.” ALA Utah Girls State aims to empower women to use their voices for good, create change, and support others. For further information, please visit alautahgirlsstate.org.

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