Emery Seniors Go Back to Their Beginnings


By Julie Johansen

On Tuesday, April 30 the majority of the Emery High Senior class gathered at the Armory with cap and gowns in tow. They then divided and boarded two buses; one bus loaded with students from the south end of the county and another with students living in the north end of the county. They were headed back to the elementary schools of their beginnings.

The bus headed south first stopped at Castle Dale Elementary, then on to Cottonwood Elementary and finally Ferron. The bus headed north first stop was Huntington Elementary followed by Cleveland. Once off the bus the graduates donned their cap and gowns and paraded down the halls of the elementary schools. They were met with excited and chanting younger students with banners and congratulations. This was the scene at each of the sequential schools.

This tradition is growing in popularity not only by the graduates but definitely by the elementary students.

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