Emery Town Council Receives Input on Town Issues


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By Julie Johansen

On Wednesday, Jan. 19, citizens of Emery Town were invited to a public hearing to discuss and give input in regard to applying for a Community Impact Board Grant to restore the old church, a transfer of Bureau of Land Management ground on the west side of Emery and purchasing a new dump/snow truck. The hearing was sparsely attended but decisions were made by the council following what comments they heard.
The decision was made to present an application to the Community Impact Board (CIB). This grant would be a matching grant along with an Eccles grant for the restoration costs of the old church. Mayor Amy Sundstrom and Mary Ann Wright will make the presentation to the CIB.
Possibilities for the Bureau of Land Management ground west of the town to be transferred to Emery were also discussed. Gun range improvements, an ATV parking/staging area and/or possible trails were among the considerations. This transfer was described in the Emery County Public Lands Bill (Dingell Act).
It was also decided that in next June’s budget, the dump/snow plow truck will be sold and new one with a removable plow will be purchased. This would make it more flexible for the maintenance crew.
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