Even Snow Storm Does Not Cool the Blue Momentum


The Utah State Democrats vow to reclaim Carbon County in the next elections.

On a cold andВ wintry Saturday, the Utah State Democratic Party descended on Carbon County to hold its central committee meeting.

Opening the day with a legislative update at the Balance Rock Eatery in Helper, party leaders gave the crowd an overview of pending legislation and budget talks. The current session of the 2013 Legislature is at the halfway point with the most critical issues at hand still pending.

In the afternoon, the meeting reconvened in USU Eastern’s Alumni Room. Representative Rebecca Chavez-Houck (District 28) spent time giving an overview of the morning presentation and to remind the party members to be more active in their voices in the process. Chavez-Houck is the Utah House Minority Whip.

LDS Democrats Outreach & Policy Coordinator Elizabeth Roberts reminded the attendees that it was time the democratic party defined its focus rather than letting republicans define it for them in the press. She outlined several talking points and media plans for membership to get involved with. They included voter outreach, education crisis, ethics, Medicaid expansion, unions, and an expansion of Canyonlands National Park.

Democratic Party Executive Director Matt Lyon hammered home the point that with a little more effort, the party could not just take back the counties they lost to the republicans, but expand the “blue” in areas that have been close.

With a quarter of a million unregistered voters up for grabs, studies have shown those voters tend to lean more liberal. Lyon feels that with a concentrated effort, especially in areas like Carbon County, will prove to be keys to party growth and rebound.

The state democratic convention will be held June 22 at Weber State. Among the topics expected will be a discussion of whether to continue with theВ caucusВ system or look at going to a primary election process.

There will be a picnic dinner at the Gallivan Center in Salt Lake City Thursday, June 20, with meetings all day June 21.

“Unless we give the people a reason to vote for us , we will struggle. We are the party of the people,” Lyon concluded. “We need to get our name and message out”


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