Ferron City Council Continues to Care For the City


By Julie Johansen

The first discussion item at the Ferron City Council meeting on Wednesday evening was a rental agreement with Great Life for the exercise gym. Mayor Adele Justice and councilman Troy Winter reviewed the agreement and explained the terms to the other council members.

The agreement is a five-year lease. With the investment of Great Life in the city building, the lease charges will be prorated starting with no charge and increasing throughout the months. The liability and insurance will be maintained by Great Life. This agreement was approved by the council.

The next item on the agenda was an update on the Community Impact Board grant for the playground equipment and retaining wall at the fairgrounds. The funds have been approved but not received. However, work needs to move forward as soon as possible as there is a time limit on the grant. The construction company is facing some delays but the mayor’s plea was for city help in getting started.

It was then announced RPlus Energies is requesting the use of city water as a backup plan for construction of solar fields near Moore. They would like a letter from the city granting clearance to use city water if needed. The council discussed an initial fee and the amount to charge per gallon.

The council next considered entering into a lease agreement to purchase new golf carts and sell the old ones. This was tabled until further study as the council needs more answers and numbers before taking a vote.

The commercial culinary water rate increase from $20.25 to $25 was then approved. A public hearing was held in June and Resolution 2022-7 regarding the rate increase that was adopted.

Also, two ordinances recommended by the Ferron City Planning Commission were adopted. The first ordinance amended the recreational vehicle court ordinance and the second changed the zoning of parcel 01-113B-0040 from highway commercial to R-1-7500 residential. A public hearing for input on these actions had been held at planning commission meeting, but there were no attendees.

Mayor Justice next reported that the audit was complete but no formal statement has been received. She also reported that the Ferron Youth City Council will host a trunk or treat at 4:30 p.m. on Halloween night. This will be at the Mayor’s Park. The mayor then questioned the council about incentives to get older participants involved in the youth council.

Councilman Brad Richman congratulated the council on a very successful Peach Days. He also praised the city’s planning commission, stating that the members are very effective in dealing with zoning issues within the city.

Councilwoman Gerry Stotler remarked that the secondary water was on for six months this year. The council felt that this was because citizens had been asked to govern themselves rather than setting restrictions, so the water had been used more conservatively.

Councilman Winter met with the stock show committee and the committee is planning on extending the pig barn at the fairgrounds. Winter also reported that city restrooms are being winterized and the cemetery has improved.

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