Ferron City Outlines Cemetery Rules


By Julie Johansen

Following a cemetery cleanup in Ferron recently, the city council discussed the success of the day during the July city council meeting. Members of the council commended those who participated in the cleanup.

The council also shared that in an effort to maintain the beauty and order of the cemetery, a new sign outlining the rules will soon be posted at the cemetery.

First, no plants, trees, shrubs, flowers or benches can be planted without city permission. Also, no artificial flowers are allowed during grass cutting season, April through October, except in vases on headstones. Third, holiday and funeral flowers will be removed after 10 days.

No wire, rocks or glass bottles can be placed around headstones. No parking is allowed on the grass and visitors should not block traffic. In addition, any unauthorized removal of property will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Ferron City will not be responsible for any personal property left at the cemetery. Finally, shepherd crooks, solar lights and display are allowed as long as they are protected from the weed eater and don’t interfere with upkeep and lawn care.

For more information on the Ferron City cemetery, please call (435) 384-2350.

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