Ferron City Planning Commission Meets to Decide Changes, Projects for the City


Photo courtesy of Ferron City

By Julie Johansen

Rayola Pfister requested permission from the Ferron City Planning Commission to build a fence across 30 South and 150 West. She plans to build 12 feet of fence on both sides and put a nine-foot gate across the driveway. Pfister had met with the commission in May but had not taken any action. However, a large dog came into her yard and killed her cat, prompting her to consider it an emergency. She received approval from the commission.

Ferron City Recorder Britany Yeates reported to the commission that she had mailed two nuisance notes since their last meeting. These were requesting that unkempt areas of the city be cleaned up. One area has made improvement and another requested an extension.

Discussion on the proposed sidewalk, road and gutter projects was tabled until the commission could drive around to see areas before submitting their list to the Castle Valley Special Service District. Also during the meeting, Chapter Four of the Ferron City General Plan was accepted and approved following the commission’s review.

New members of planning commission are Kelly Howes, Stephanie Howes and Russel Oakeson. They join other board members Brad Richman, Liz Nielson and Ronnie Bloomer. A motion to adjourn and make their drive around town ended the meeting on Tuesday.

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