Notice is hereby given that the Ferron City Council will hold a Public Hearing on March 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ferron City Hall in conjunction with the regular City Council Meeting for consideration of the following:

1. To re-open the 2020-21 Fiscal Year Budget to transfer any unencumbered or unexpended balances of the General and Golf Course Funds from one department to another and to include in these funds, revenue and expenditures not already in the current budgets.

2. To present a master plan for the fairgrounds. 

Interested citizens are encouraged to attend and will be given the opportunity to be heard. 

I, the undersigned duly acting and appointed Recorder of Ferron City, hereby certify that the foregoing notice was posted on the Utah Public Notice Website, in two public places on February 24, 2021, and provided to the ETV News for publication in the next circulation.

Brittany Yeates
Ferron City Recorder

Published in the ETV Newspaper March 3, 2021.

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