Former China City Building Demolished as Local Business Aims to Expand


Price City’s Main Street was a flurry of activity on Wednesday as the former China City building was demolished to make room for the expansion of a local business.

According to Nick Tatton, Price City Community Director, the building was in “shambles” and had been “unsafe” for some time. Transients had also been using the building, creating a liability.

The removal of the unsafe building began on Wednesday morning as crews worked to dismantle the building. The vacant lot will be put to good use, though.

According to Frank Peczuh, Peczuh Printing plans to utilize the property in the future to expand its current location, which resides mainly on the other side of the block on 100 South. Peczuh said that there is no firm timeline for when the expansion will take place, but plans are in the works.


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