Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Utah Noxious Weed Act, Section 7, to every person who owns or controls land in Carbon County, Utah, that noxious weeds standing, being, or growing on such land shall be controlled and the spread of same prevented by effective cutting, tillage, cropping, pasturing, or treating with chemicals or other effective methods, or combination thereof, approved by the County Weed Supervisor, as often as may be required to prevent the weed from blooming and maturing seeds, or spreading by root, root stalks or other means.

Upon failure to comply with this notice, the owner or person in possession of property upon which noxious weeds are present shall be deemed negligent and enforced control measures may be imposed at the discretion of County Authorities. Expenses of control measures employed by the County shall be paid directly by the owner or person in possession of the property, or shall constitute a lien on the property and become collectible by taxes.

Noxious Weed List for the State of Utah 2024
Carbon County’s Priority Listing

Class 1A EDRR Watch List
Common Crupina – Crupina vulgaris
African rue – Peganum harmala
Small bugloss – Anchusa arvensis
Mediterranean sage – Salvia aethiopis
Spring millet – Milium vernale
Syrian beancaper – Zygophyllum fabago
Ventenata (North Africa grass) – Ventenata dubia
Plumeless thistle – Carduus acanthoides
Malta starthistle – Centaurea melitensis

Class 1B Early Detection
Camelthorn – Alhagi maurorum
Garlic mustard – Alliaria petiolata
Purple starthistle – Centaurea calcitrapa
Goatsrue – Galega officinalis
African mustard – Brassica tournefortii
Giant Reed – Arundo donax
Japanese Knotweed – Polygonum cuspidatum
Blueweed (Vipers bugloss) – Echium vulgare
Elongated mustard – Brassica elongate
Common St. Johnswort – Hypericum perforatum
Oxeye daisy – Leucanthemum vulgare
Cutleaf vipergrass – Scorzonera laciniata

Class 2 Control
Leafy spurge – Euphorbia esula
Medusahead – Taeniatherum caput-medusae
Rush skeletonweed – chondrilla juncea
Spotted Knapweed – Centaurea stoebe
Purple Loosestrife – Lythrum salicaria
Squarrose Knapweed – Centaurea virgata
Dyers Woad – Isatis tinctoria
Yellow Starthistle – Centaurea solstitialis
Yellow Toadflax – Linaria vulgaris
Diffuse Knapweed – Centaurea diffusa
Black henbane – Hyoscyamus niger
Dalmation Toadflax – Linaria dalmatica

Class 3 Contain
Russian Knapweed – Acroptilon repens
Houndstounge – Cynoglossum officianale
Perennial pepperweed (Tall Whitetop) – Lepidium latifolium
Phragmites (Common reed) – Phragmites australis ssp.
Tamarisk (Saltcedar) – Tamarix ramosissima
Hoary cress – Cardaria spp.
Canada Thistle – Cirsium arvense
Poison Hemlock – Conium maculatum
Musk Thistle – Carduus nutans
Quackgrass – Elymus repens
Jointed goatgrass – Aegilops cylindrica
Bermudagrass – Cynodon dactylon
Perennial Sorghum spp.: Johnson Grass (Sorghum halepense) and Sorghum almum (Sorghum almum)
Scotch Thistle (Cotton thistle) – Onopordum acanthium
Field Bindweed (Wild Morning-glory) – Convolvulus spp
Puncturevine (Goathead) – Tribulus terrestris

Class 4 Prohibited
Cogongrass (Japanese blood grass) – Imperata cylindrica
Myrtle spurge – Euphorbia myrsinites
Dames Rocket – Hesperis matronalis
Scotch broom – Cytisus scoparius
Russian olive – Elaeagnus angustifolia

If you have questions, please contact the Carbon County Weed and Mosquito Abatement Department at (435) 636-3270

Published in the ETV Newspaper May 8, May 15 and May 22, 2024.

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