Grants, Funding and Agreements Approved by Emery County Commissioners


By Julie Johansen

The first action item on the agenda for the Emery County Commissioners was the ratification of an application for the FY2025 Rural County $200,000 Grant. It will be used for Economic Development projects such as Jr. Entrepreneur, Grant Capture Management and business matching grants.

Jacob Sharp, Castle Valley Special Service District Manager, asked for approval to start the process of annexation into the Service District of the portions of the cities and towns that have been annexed into the various municipalities, but not the district. A notice of intent to annex, inviting public comment and a date for a public hearing, will be set up.

Managers from the Southeast Utah Health Department gave a presentation regarding the ONE Box and Harm Reduction Programs. They explained the funding and hopes of placing these essential boxes in various places in the communities that draw large crowds of people such as libraries, county buildings, rodeo and ballpark grounds. They have 24 boxes available now and hope to have more soon as funding is made available.

The commissioners welcomed their participation in Emery County following an endorsement from Sheriff Tyson Huntington and Officer Jeremy Lake.

Patsy Stoddard from the Emery County Business Chamber (ECBC) presented a management agreement regarding using the old Weed and Mosquito Building for new businesses to rent and start their business in. The agreement between Emery County and the ECBC was approved.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and the Utah Attorney General’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force was accepted. An Emergency Management grant award in the amount of $44,000 from the Utah Department of Public Safety was also approved. A Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $4,500, also received approval.

Vanessa Justesen, Victims Advocate for Emery County, requested approval for the 2025 Utah Victim Services Program Certified Assurances documentation regarding funding for the Victims Advocate Program in Emery County. Approval was given.

A resolution establishing the disbursement of State PILT funds was approved for the various Special Service Districts in the county: EMS, Recreation District and the Emery Special Service District.

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