Green River City Council Approves Two New Hires at the John Wesley Powell Museum


Written by Julie Johansen

Mayor Pat Brady called Green River City council meeting to order Tuesday evening. All council persons, Michael Silliman, Kathy Ryan, Penny Riches, Philip Engleman and Travis Bacon were in attendance.

The first item on the agenda was a request  from the John Wesley Powell Museum director, Tim Glenn, to hire Mollie Fullerton as an Education and Programs Manager. He explained that Mollie has been working at the Museum with the Vista Project, a grant program which ends in November. In order to retain her, she would need to be hired by the city. Glenn expressed to the council that Fullerton has done an incredible job.  She has proven to be very creative and professional. Glenn further explained that this would be a full time essential position.  He felt that there would not need to be a budget increase, as the money for her wages could be re-allocated from the existing budget.  This action was approved by the council. Glenn then approached the council with an additional request for another position of Curator/Collections Manager for the JWP Museum.   He stated that there needs to be a complete inventory of the museum in order for everyone to know what they have and where it is.  There are exhibits on loan that need to be tracked and accounted for. This position would not be to replace current museum employee JoAnn Chandler, but would be complimentary to her. This person would also  facilitate the gift shop at the museum.  This request was also granted. The council applauded Glenn for his work and improvements at the Museum over the past three years.

The next two items on the agenda were tabled pending more information. Another map showing the land swap between SITLA and the BLM was needed for the council to study before a decision could be made. Also, they had not received an official legal document from the county with regards to the EMS Inter-local Agreement which was needed before a vote to approve or deny could be made.

Brief discussion continued on purchase of land on the south-west corner of Long Street and Pirate Avenue from Rocky Mountain Power, but this also needed more study. 

City Recorder Conae Black then showed the council the importance of a strategic plan.  This plan that would tell, ”Who we are and what do we want for our town.” Black continued to say that this would help them all to do a better job as it would coordinate responsibilities and give new council members direction immediately upon assuming office.  It would set time frames that are measurable, so accomplishment could be better achieved. It would include a vision and mission statement. Many of the council agreed with her and plan to take this under advisement, looking for a committee or professional help to begin to work on this.

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