Guidelines: Play Ball


For many in the area it was just another day, but to so many of our young ones it was judgment day and it seemed to them, that life was on the line! You see, for a young baseball player, attending spring tryouts is a very nerve racking experience. Last week I watched as each of them waited anxiously in line. So many of their actions reciprocating their anticipation; they would tie and re-tie their shoes, bite their finger nails, they repositioned their lucky ball cap, and repeatedly slugged their fist into the leather mitt over and over!

Watching them made me laugh a little, but it also rekindled memories within me of when I was in their same shoes, and life revolved around baseball. I have so very many friends and memories because of this great sport; from rally cheers and red dirt stains on my lucky socks, to a victorious ride in the back of Coach’s pickup truck to get ice cream at “The Milky Way” diner. I am so grateful for my parents and coaches, who put in endless hours on my behalf.

As spring fills the Castle Valley, practices have begun, and white lines will soon be chalked around the bases. But more importantly, seeds will begin to germinate and plants will begin to break ground in the grass of the outfield. They will spring up with nervous little bellies, excited eyes, and huge dreams, all hidden beneath the logo of the local team caps. Baseball is life to these young sprouts, may we all help them grow deep roots in the things that truly count.

Our parents and grandparents showed us that a living must be earned, and we must live that same example for our children. Like baseball, life takes hard work and devotion, and it takes countless hours doing the hard things in order to get a payoff. I hope that every kid gets the winning hit this season. But there are also irreplaceable lessons learned by striking out in the bottom of the ninth with the winning run on third base, and loving the game and yourself enough to step back into the batter’s box next game.

Whether it is baseball, another sport, or some other hobby that your child is into, may we take the time to help our children chase their youthful dreams, and understand the lessons of life that will direct them in their adulthood. The season opener is just around the corner, and I am excited to be a part of the games that my son will play. To the fellow parents and coaches, we thank you for your sacrifice on behalf of our youngsters. So, here’s to grass stains and holes in your pants, lucky socks and rally caps. Here’s to nachos and a snow cone, homeruns and daydreams. May we all enjoy the games. PLAY BALL!!

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