Helper History Celebrated at June’s First Friday


Helper’s Main Street was even fuller than usual with tradition as the city celebrated June’s First Friday. Hearkening back to the ’30s, the organizers decided the time was ripe to pay homage to The Days of 49, which was an event that consisted of the men in the area growing their facial hair for a full 49 days.

Those that didn’t wish to, or couldn’t, grow facial hair were also included in the fun. If you weren’t seen on the streets in a cowboy getup, dressed as an Indian or geared up as a barmaid, you were “locked up” until the time came that you made a donation.

In tradition, those that attended First Friday on June 1 were invited to dress the part. There were also bed races, a silent auction, a 15-piece ukulele band, festive refreshments and more.

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