*UPDATED* Thrilling and Chilling Tales of Bobcat and Miss Kitty


By Julie Johansen

Thrilling and Chilling tales of Eastern Utah’s history were presented by SueAnn Martell, aka Miss Kitty, and Darrin Telpy, aka Bobcat, to the Emery Historical Society’s October meeting Thursday evening at the Museum of the San Rafael.

Bobcat told the legend of Alfred Parker. Parker was tried three times for murder and acquitted once. Preston Nutter was his financial backing. One can decide if he was guilty or innocent by reading their ghost stories. Kitty told the tale of Mary Green who will blow frost across your windshield at Finn’s Tavern in Scofield. She also related the story of the White Lady of Latuda who hung herself at the Liberty Canyon Fuel Company and walks the streets of Latuda in her wedding dress. Miss Kitty also reported that the ghost of Dr. Delpaz still resides at the Helper Museum and lets visitors know of his presence in various ways upon their arrival at the museum. The ghost stories of the bars and brothels at the secret saloons in the basement of the Carbon Hotel in Helper were also presented. Other spooky tales of the evening included the Castle Gate Mine Disaster of 1924 and the Helper Hotel.

Martell and Telpy are from the Eastern Utah Tourism and History Association. The complete tales and pictures can be found on their website www.eutha.org.

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