How Can You Access Unbiased Political Information?


By Evelyn Halk

This month our NextWave question comes from a 17-year-old in Grand Junction Colorado: “How can you access unbiased political information?”

In today’s world of social media and everyday news, how can you make sure the political information you’re getting is the real deal? To answer this question, I asked Utah Representative Christine Watkins to help. Here are a few tips to help you out!

Step 1. Research all sides!
Representative Watkins encourages you to look into multiple opinions on a topic, once you see both sides of the issue you’ll be able to find a somewhat impartial opinion somewhere in the middle! There are countless websites for fact-checking, or even websites that will tell you which way different sources tend to lean.

Step 2. Consider your source.
Once you have found a source, evaluate who is sharing the information. Ask yourself who shared it and what they have to gain by sharing the information. Look for academic publications that you can believe. “Don’t believe everything you hear and see,” says Rep. Watkins, “know your source!”

Step 3. Make up your own mind!
Once you have gathered your information it is time to form your own opinion! Having opinions based on reliable sources and your values is incredibly important to navigating political landscapes. Separate your voice from those around you by educating yourself, don’t just believe what others tell you. Develop beliefs you feel confident defending, so when the election rolls around you know exactly who you want to represent your ideas!

As always, if you have any questions please send them my way!

NextWave Politics

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