By Emery County Animal Health
It is that time of year!
For anyone with cows, it is vital to get cows and heifers preg checked in order to know your options for sales, which to keep and which are the problem in the herd and making it weak. Of course, another reason to preg check is to monitor the herd’s health and reproductive status. Finding more open cows than usual can signal a disease problem such as infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) or sexually transmitted diseases that cause cows to abort.
Another important healthy practice is vaccinating calves. Vaccinating earlier allows the calves to build up an immune response so they don’t get sick later by avoiding diseases like bovine respiratory disease and bovine viral diarrhea virus.
To keep your herd productive and strong, contact Emery and Carbon Animal Health today to schedule an appointment by calling (435) 637-8387 or (435) 381-2539.
For the month of October, get 15% off preg checking and vaccinating.