Leaders Elected At CC Republican Convention


New titles and positions were the theme of Carbon County’s Republican Convention.

Pete Yakovich won the Chairman position. Woody Carter, who was also nominated for chairman, was elected Vice Chair. Jim Darter was elected State Delegate, and his wife Fran Darter was elected Treasurer.

Utah Lt. Govenor Greg Bell, Sen. David P. Hinkins and State Vice Chair Christy Achzinger were the night’s speakers. Chairman Yakovich also took time to speak to attendees.

Topics that were spoken on were the legislature, the advantages of conservative principles in creating a stable area for businesses, the rezoning of Senate Districts in the state, and getting more awareness of Republican presence in Carbon County.

Lt. Govenor Bell stated that “Republican conservative principles make the world go round.”

Govener Herbert was unable to be in attendance because he was away in China on a trade mission.

Yakovich said of the coming year, “My outlook is positive for this next year, and I believe that we’ll be able to get some long time republicans out to vote and out to our meetings and also work with some you that are upcoming, especially with the College of Eastern Utah.”

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