Letter to the Editor: Proposition 2


Marijuana has a reputation in today’s society but not a scientific founded hypothesis, theory or direct equation. Furthermore, the laws are more directly based on what makes us feel good. Actually, more importantly, the money made from its illegal uses is a huge factor.

One of the biggest concerns about legalizing marijuana to becoming a pharmaceutical drug used for pain is the mishandling aspect. Kids are likely to get their hands on the drug from someone that has been prescribed the medication, excitedly expressed by those advertising against Proposition 2.

Most of the drug addicts, dependent on opiates, received the first pill from the medicine cabinet of their parents. Parents were prescribed opiates for pain management. This happens, and quite frequently. The addiction to the opiates is 100 times more intense than a non-addictive marijuana dose. Opiates are so very, very addictive and withdrawals, when unavailable, are so very, very intense. A person taking 30, 10 mg tablets in 30 days has become addicted. Not having the opiate tablet, every subject becomes very desperate and reacts desperately to do whatever is necessary to obtain the drug. Most crimes committed are directly related to opiate withdrawal symptoms.

Pain pills are used to alleviate many ailments other than pain. They are used extensively to treat depression. A lot of people suffer with that sickness. Opiates make you feel good and they reach an euphoria many crave. Dependency on a very addictive medication can be replaced by a medication that is much much safer. Replacement has to be implemented at the first onset of opiate addiction. A medical doctor that understands the process can intervene and take care of his patient’s needs and switch medications, saving a lot of lives. Recent reporting of statistics on drug overdose in the state of Utah shows a decline in overdose deaths. Wonderful. Officials attribute the decline to better management and prosecution of the laws.

A couple factors worthy to note contributing to drug overdose death prevention: police forces in the state of Utah carry naloxone. This drug administered to overdose patients, in a timely manner, saves many lives. As of July, Price City Police Department had saved seven people from overdose death. Suboxone, a drug prescribed and administered by only two doctors licensed in the state of Utah to prescribe? Replaces dependency on opiates. It’s very expensive, not easily available and they have made it more identified, promoted and available.

Drug manufacturers, pain clinics, even family doctors are marketing opiates excessively. A big part of the reasoning is not considering medical marijuana as a better medicine. Not doing the necessary research needed. Labeling it as dangerous. Spreading a lot of ” total” lies. Eliminate any possible benefits.

It’s imperative we work on the opiate addiction in our society. Opiates are horrible and they become a real problem quickly. They are so addictive. Medical marijuana is a much better drug to treat those opiate dependent people. Much safer. Proposition 2 will create a means to deal with our opiate addiction problem. It is important to keep restraints to ensure medical treatment!

Prescribed by doctors that know “what’s going on.” The process. Implementing proposition 2 will require an agency to be put together and professionally introduced into the medical system. The key element to a successful medical marijuana program, unlike our neighboring states, is a well-organized agency implementing a great program. Colorado and Nevada never intended to have a medical marijuana program. It’s more work then they could hack. It can be done. Needs to be done. Utah can be the example of a successful medical marijuana program.

We don’t need another recreational drug. Utah’s recreational drug is pain pills. Utah consumes more pain pills than any other.

Amendments to Proposition 2 that the governor is suggesting can be made upon passing that bill.

Craig Anderson
Emery, UT


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