Letter to the Editor: Speeding Issues in Lower Miller Creek


All my Price and Wellington people. Please tag any and all city officials, road department as well as law enforcement.

I don’t know what its going to take to get people in Lower Miller Creek to slow down before someone hurts a child. And God help someone if my child gets hurt. Your stupid blinking speed signs don’t work and are in wrong spot of Lower Miller Creek, as well as you NEVER being out here. When you are, it lasts about a day or two and you’re not out here when people are going to and from work.

If something doesn’t change soon I will purchase the stuff and make my own speed bump. Since it seems that will be the only thing that will take to get people to slow down. Passing our children over the speed limit and/or slowing down only to literally gun it and spit rocks at us!!!!

Making my own sign asking people to slow down doesn’t work. I have a special needs child who likes to walk or ride her bike to the mail. I will put debris if I have to in the road or make a speed bump!!


Terri Beth Williams
Price, Utah

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