Little Cities of Hope: Recovery Community Center Now Open in Price


By Mersades Morgan, Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness (USARA)

The mission of Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness (USARA) is to celebrate, advocate, support and empower people in all stages of addiction recovery through connecting to resources, building community and raising public awareness that long-term recovery is possible.

In the past decade, Utah families have experienced the most severe consequences of drug and alcohol addiction that our state and country have ever seen. Opioid overdose deaths and suicides in Utah are at an unprecedented high. We have lost too many loved ones to substance use disorder. USARA addresses that by supporting peer-to-peer programs through which we empower people in recovery and their families with hope for healing lives and Utah communities.

Since opening our doors of the new recovery community center in Price at the end of 2019, we have established six different types of mutual aid groups to assist in all pathways to recovery. Every individual is different; their stories, their beliefs and their struggles are never the same. Therefore, we believe everyones’ pathway to recovery looks different. USARA offers one-on-one peer recovery coaching to provide support and guide participants toward achieving their goals and reintegration into the community as happy, productive members of society.

USARA in Price has two full-time peer recovery coaches. Shirley Wayman has been a lifelong member of the Carbon County community. She understands the resources that are needed for those with substance use disorder in our community and has been working with individuals and families for over two years. Mersades Morgan is new to Carbon County but brings with her the knowledge of recovery and recovery management from other settings. Both women are in long-term recovery and are facilitators of recovery groups. The connections they’ve made thus far have been amazing.

USARA invites anyone to come check out their new recovery community center at 67 East Main Street in Price and spread the word. We are all fighting together to find solutions and connect people to the resources they need to sustain their recovery for a lifetime. 

Visit our website today to learn more:

Check out and join our Facebook page here:

For additional information, contact Wayman at (385) 707-3785 or Morgan at (435) 299-8677.

Learn more about recovery and services in Carbon and Emery. Sign up today for one of our last two Community Education Dinners:

  1. 3/3/20 – East Carbon:
  2. 3/31/20* – Green River:

*Child care will be provided by the SUN Center for up to 15 children at the Green River dinner

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