Local Band Performs Free Concert

Local band Red Rojo played a free concert Thursday night for USU-Eastern students.

The Eagle, a student newspaper, sponsored the event.

“We wanted to give back to the students here at USU- Eastern, so we talked with Red Rojo and they were willing to play for free,” said Eagle Advisor Susan Polster.

The band was initially supposed to play in The Pit, but weather complications they moved the free concert to the multi-purpose room in the Jennifer Levitt Student Center.

“We had a good crowd come out, but we had to move inside so not everyone knew that the concert was going on,” Polster said. “If we could have had it outside, everyone in the dorms could have heard and came out to support and enjoy the free entertainment.”

Red Rojo is a local, six-member band comprised of Johnny Adams (bass), Matt Adams (vocal, guitar), Jake Workman (vocal, guitar), Nate Manley (vocals, guitar), Sheldon Hamblin (drums), and James Zelnick (keyboard, synth, vocals). Many of the band members met while attending USU-Eastern.

Because of logistical issues, band members are regularly forced to record individual pieces of music and email it to each other. The pieces are then put together to produce songs.

“We just wanted to thank all the students who read and followed The Eagle with this free concert,” Polster said. “We are planning on sponsoring another free concert for the students this next fall semester.”


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