Local Woman Gifted With Medical Equipment Thanks to Helper City Fire and the SEUHD


An individual would be hard-pressed to look around lately and not see an act of kindness being done by individuals, businesses, non-profit groups or other entities during the trying times of actively combating COVID-19 within our local communities.

This rang true on Wednesday afternoon as the Helper City Fire Department teamed up with the Southeast Utah Health Department (SEUHD) to assist a Helper resident. This resident, named Carolyn, was gifted with the delivery of a new walker. This walker will assist Carolyn in her mobility, safety and independence.

The Helper City Fire Department remarked that the firefighters receive a great amount of support from the community and always feel good when they can give back. Their combined efforts with the SEUHD ensured that a difference was made in the life of a local.

Special thanks was given from the department to Savannah Eley and Debbie Marvidikis for their assistance.

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