By Julie Johansen
Emery County commissioners met in Green River on Tuesday.
Following the approval of the items on the consent agenda, commissioner Keith Brady opened the meeting for public comments. EMTs from Green River had some questions regarding the EMS agreement that the county has introduced and discussed with the cities. They would like more input into the planning and wording of the agreement. They were assured by the commission that it was not a done deal and their input would be considered.
A motion and second came to open a public hearing on the county’s general plan. Once open, the discussion continued stating that the state had required a resource management plan, which outlined sixteen general points. Emery County felt that most of these points were already covered in the general plan and decided to make necessary changes to the existing general plan to meet the state requirements instead of writing a new resource management plan. The changes were drafted by the public lands council, planning and zoning, Ray Petersen, and Val Payne. The plan was approved and comments were that it firmly establishes the county’s position on important issues such as water, public lands, grazing, zoning, etc.
Discussion of an Interlocal Agreement between Emery and Carbon counties for road maintenance on the Nuck Woodward Road. Carbon county wants to maintain this road as it essential for citizens and visitors of Clear Creek. A comment was made that it a Forest Service road.
David Skidmore, representative from Matrix 2, LLC, asked for a letter of intent between his company and Emery County so that he can begin getting funding for a solar pad at the Green River Industrial Park area. His request was granted. Right-of-way applications for roads 401 and 211 were discussed and approved.
Another question was raised at the meeting; should the county be in the business of owning a care center? It was decided that professional assistance is needed to see if it is advantageous to sell the Emery County Care Center.
With the relocation of Lowell Morris, the county needed to find medical services for the jail. Dalen Johnson will be providing these services and it was noted that he will be working under Dr. Montgomery. The county will be advertising for an events coordinator due to the resignation of the present events director, Holly Jorgensen.
A full page ad with Dirt Wheels Magazine and a contract with HUB was approved for advertisement in tourism. The idea of partnering with RUA was tabled until more study can be done with this agency. A former decision to accept money from Tyler Jeffs for billboard advertisement was voted to be reimbursed as it was done incorrectly. However, the decision to sell the billboard currently being leased by Jeffs was tabled pending more information.
There has been no contract with Castleview Hospital for the storage of an ambulance at the Emery Medical Center, so approval was granted to write up a contract subject to approval of insurance. Renewal of Guardian Fight insurance for all full-time county employees was approved.