Missing Dog


Hello, my name is Steven Giacoletto. My address is 2638 W Gordon Creek Rd, Price, UT 84501. My farmhouse address is 3625 W Gordon Creek, Price, UT 84501. On about Aug 29th or 30th, there was a wedding party at the Aspen Ray Lodge in Gordon Creek. My great looking 15 year old female Border Collie, Mollie, went missing. This dog is extremely friendly, loves people, and will get in anyone’s car, especially with young kids around. Mind you, I have kids and grandkids of my own. I miss this dog immensely. Please bring her back or take her to the animal shelter, no questions asked. Yes, she has been there four times and has a chip. P.S. We love our dog.

Steven Giacoletto

435 630-4959

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